Vi har alle vage forestillinger omkring fortiden for en del af figurerne fra Carl Barks' andeunivers, men deres fortid er indhyllet i tåge, fordi Barks aldrig for alvor prøvede at klarlægge perioderne i sine historier. Formentlig fordi emnet vel egentlig ikke er så interessant, og desuden har Disney-koncernen aldrig været interesseret i at fremlægge fortider og stamtavler for figurerne i hverken ande- eller museuniverset!
Men Joakim von And er en absolut undtagelse! Barks efterlod adskillige spor i sine historier. Dog kan der næppe herske tvivl om, at han ikke funderede så meget over dem; han placerede dem simpelthen i ruderne, hvor han havde behov for dem - uden at prøve på at oprette en fast og sammenhængende fortid for Joakim. Men lad os alligevel se på de spredte fakta, Barks gav os - præsenterede som brikker til et puslespil i helt tilfældig orden...

NB.: Denne side er en del anderledes i sin opbygning, idet det ikke har været muligt at lave en rimelig dansk gennemgang af sporene. Det har flere årsager; dels blev flere af oplysningerne simpelthen aldrig oversat i de danske publikationer (eller også skete det med en tydelig fordanskning), og dels vil det være formålsløst ikke at nyde Barks' mange, geniale indfald, som han selv havde udtænkt dem. Således er de nedenstående tekster IKKE oversat til dansk. Dog afsluttes hver rubrik med koden i rødt på den tilsvarende danske publikation.




U$44 The Invisible Intruder: When he was young, Scrooge worked as a shoeshine boy. MG04

In U$25 The Flying Dutchman Scrooge reveals that he learned the Dutch language when he sold wind to the windmill makers along the Zuyder Zee. AA08/1960

In WDCS230 'The Black Wednesday Story' we learn that Scrooge was peddling hair tonic among the Chillyboot Indians in 1908.
In U$11 The Great Steamboat Race Scrooge recalls his uncle, captain Pothole McDuck, and his stern-wheeler Cotton Queen. AA02/1961
Scrooge paid 1 dollar for his glasses in Scotland in 1885 (U$21 The Money Well). AA20/1962

In U$26 'The Gold Miner's Story' Scrooge was a gold seeker in a boom town called Pizen Bluff many years ago.

In U$59 North of the Yukon Scrooge loaned money from a crooked money-lender in Goldboom, Alaska, during the gold rush.
According to WDCS226 Want to Buy an Island? Scrooge traded coconuts in the Fijis and Samoa Islands in the 1880s. AA26/1960

In FC0495 'The Horse-Radish Story' we learn of one of Scrooge's ancestors, Captain Seafoam McDuck, who in 1753 accepted to transport a case of horse-radish to Jamaica onboard his ship The Golden Goose.
In U$16 Back to Long Ago Scrooge is being transported back in time by hypnosis. He is the British captain Matey McDuck who is sailing the Spanish Main in the 16th Century looting for Queen Elizabeth. AA06/1961

In FC0178 Christmas on Bear Mountain Scrooge states that he has never given a man a free meal in his life.
In U$20 City of Golden Roofs Scrooge remembers that he once sold concertinas to the Czar's cavalry. AA43/1959
In U$12 The Golden Fleecing we learn that Scrooge bought his broadcloth at a rummage sale in Scotland in 1902. GB02

In U$49 The Loony Lunar Gold Rush Scrooge remembers an awful winter on the Yukon when he froze into a veritable glazier, and he was first thawed out of it the next spring. He also recalls an awful summer in the Transvaal, where the sun heated the rocks so hot that molten gold oozed out like taffy candy. But it did him no good, because he had to run to Capetown to get asbestos gloves to be able to pick up the hissing stuff.

When digging for gold in the Klondike area Scrooge buried a hoard of nuggets at his claim on White Agony Creek (FC0456 Back to the Klondike). He also got rubbed of a goose egg gold nugget by Glittering Goldie.
In U$11 Riches, Riches Everywhere! Scrooge brags to the nephews that he got rich by digging gold and silver and tin and copper out of the mountains of the world, and by being the cleverest prospector that ever peeked under a pebble. AA08/1958

In WDCS155 'The Rainbow Heir Story' Scrooge enumerates the relatives that can inherit him: 'My only relatives are my nephew, Donald, and his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and my distant nephew, Gladstone Gander!... What a collection!' AA05/1954

During a battle with a crocodile in U$57 The Swamp of no Return Scrooge remembers that he fought forty-foot crocs as rubber hunter in Guiana. AA15/1966

In FC0238 Voodoo Hoodoo Scrooge tells that he 70 years earlier wanted some land in Africa for a rubber plantation, but the owners, a tribe of ferocious savages, wouldn't sell. So he hired a mob of thugs and chased the tribe into the jungle.

In U$56 Mystery of the Ghost Town Railroad Scrooge recalls that he bought shares in The Goldopolis And Boom City Railroad in 1898. In the city of Goldopolis he also got acquainted with the owner of the Gold Cup Café, Katie Mallard AKA Hashknife Kate. In the story Scrooge also gets his top hat shot full of holes by the McViper gang just as he did in 1898, when he had to have it patched.
In FC0291 The Magic Hourglass we are presented to Scrooge's old hourglass which he bought in a thieves' market in Morocco years ago. GB02

In U$10 The Heirloom Watch Scrooge tells Donald about his watch that has been with the McDuck family for two hundred years. He is also named sole heir to his great uncle Quagmire McDuck's estate in Scotland.

In WDCS134 'The Cannonball Story' Donald learns that Scrooge bought his cannon right after the Boer War.
In U$19 The Mines of King Solomon Scrooge informs Donald and the nephews that he learned the Arabic language when he once sold lawn mowers in the Sahara desert. AA01/1959

According to Scrooge himself he used to manage a thriving salt business in Egypt in U$25 'The Pyramid Story'.
In U$29 Hound of the Whiskervilles Donald wants to know if Scrooge's ancestors also wore silk hats. Scrooge responds: 'My grandfather wore a miner's cap! But back before him, my ancestors - I've forgotten!' AA06/1961

In FC0386 Only a Poor Old Man we learn several things from Scrooge's past: In 1898 he dug gold nuggets out of the creeks at Klondike, and in 1882 he punched cows in Montana. Here he filed on a claim that contained one third of the world's known resources of copper. He also fooled the brigands of Mongolia, and gummed up the James boys and outfoxed the Daltons. Furthermore, he salvaged treasure on the Spanish Main, and he learned the cormorant language by training thousands of them when in the pearl trade in Asia. And then he learned some tricks in Bagdad...
In MMA September Scrimmage Scrooge reveals that he used to play old-time football at Webfoot Tech. back in the 1880s. BH08

In FC0189 The Old Castle's Secret we are presented to several of Scrooge's ancestors from the McDuck clan in Scotland: Sir Eider McDuck who was killed by the Saxons during a siege in 946, Sir Quackly McDuck who buried a treasure along with himself(!) in the walls of his castle in 1057, Sir Roast McDuck who died in 1205 from over-eating after robbing the King's pantry, Sir Swamphole McDuck who had the castle's dungeon door sealed in 1220, and Sir Stuft McDuck of whom we just know his name from a tombstone.




(om de andre figurer)

In WDCS132 Donald boasts of having been a boy scout for the Booneheads.

In U$16 Back to Long Ago Donald is being transported back in time by hypnosis. He is the British boatsman Pintail who is sailing the Spanish Main in the 16th Century looting for Queen Elizabeth.
In FC0422 The Gilded Man we learn that Gladstone had a distant relative by the name of Susiebelle Swan. AA40/1972
In WDCS267 Log Jockey Donald expresses curiosity about his kinfolks, and he tries to trace them down. In the story he meets with a distant cousin, Whitewater Duck, who has a timber claim in the woods up north. AA36/1963

In WDCS140 'The Terrible Secret' Gladstone confesses that once, long ago, in a very weak moment, he took a job and earned a dime.
The nephews - Huey, Dewey, Louie - are supposed to be the sons of Donald's sister, Della Thelma Duck with the nickname Dumbella, and they were temporarily sent to Donald, because they had made a practical joke using some fire-crackers under their father's chair! During his recovery in the hospital the little brats were placed in Donald's care. Where they still are...

In FC0456 Back to the Klondike Scrooge meets the dance hall girl Glittering Goldie for the first time during the gold-rush in Klondike in 1898. Until he meet her again in 1953 she has been a spinster with a record of helping needy children.
Daisy has an aunt by the name of Drusilla in WDCS312 The Not-So-Ancient Mariner. AA25/1967

In FC0029 The Hard Loser Donald borrows his grandpa's old buggy horse for a horse race.

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