The small town of Duckburg is teeming with clubs, societies and unions. All the inhabitants seem to be members of at least one. And each club is special in the sense that almost none of them seem to be of the ordinary kind. No doubt, Carl Barks had a jolly time inventing club names and purposes. Let us take a brief look at a few of the many.





Duckburg must be proud to have nothing less than a Billionaires Club. And not only that - it seems to have a great many members to boot!!! The club is one of the very few recurring ones in Barks' stories (WDCS269 A Matter of Factory is one example). We also know from DD60 The Titanic Ants that the members hold an annual picnic. Known member: Scrooge.

In WDCS264 Master Wrecker Donald manages to effectively close down The Top Brass Club by flattening it. Known members: none known.

Undoubtedly, Duckburg must have a few workmen's clubs - the so-called unions. Here are three of the more shady ones: Burglars, Thugs, and Pirates Union, Local No. 6½ from U$41 The Status Seeker, and Burglars, Thugs, Safe-Crackers, and Robbers, Local No. 303, as well as The Beneficial Brotherhood of Footpads, Forgers, Friskers, Fanners, and Fleecers. The two latter ones come from U$70 The Doom Diamond. Known members in all the above unions: The Beagle Boys.




The Good Neighbor Club under the presidency of Daisy Duck helps needy persons - (un)like Gladstone in WDCS147 - to a meal under the slogan 'Charity, Sweet Charity'. Known member: Daisy.

Diligent Dawdlers Club (weekly meetings on Wednesday afternoons) from WDCS175 seems to be a fund-raiser for charity. Several ladies are seen doing voluntary work such as making candy. Known member: Daisy.

The club name was not specified in WDCS095 but Daisy is walking the streets trying to raise funds in order to 'meet my quota'. Known member: Daisy.

The High Society Club members in U$32 Clothes Make the Duck are holding a party for the most needy hobo who will be dined and clothed. Known member: Daisy.




The Junior Woodchucks club for boys is by far the largest organisation in Duckburg and it seems to have branches all over the world. The Duckburg JWs are counted in hundreds which can be seen in WDCS227. It also becomes apparent that the number of branches is large, because the nephews are members of the Junior Woodchucks Burrow No. 10676 (WDCS242 Balloonatics)! This also helps explain the very large number of generals heading the troops.
Although the JWs play a big part in many of the stories, the organisation is very much shrouded in veils; only once are we treated to a view of the headquarters (WDCS227), and we are allowed a brief trip to their target range in WDCS279. Known members: The nephews.

The organisation is strictly for boys, but Duckburg has a similar organisation for girls called The Chickadees. From WDCS181 we can see that it is more or less as large as the boys' organisation, but little is known about it. Known members: none known.




The Duckburg Parachute Jumping Club (WDCS240 The Fraidy Falcon) must be a large organisation. It has its own air field, at least four planes, and pilots. According to the story it also seems to own a balloon with a gondola. Known member: Donald.

The Duckburg Garden Club (WDCS214) is known for giving out prizes for flowers grown in odd containers. Known member: Donald.

The Ritzmore Country Club (U$58 The Giant Robot Robbers) is a posh golf club located near Duckburg. Known members: None known.

A drama club playing in a theater of a certain size is introduced in WDCS128. The club seems to be managed by a strict, nameless lady, and she is rehearsing actors for a coming play titled 'When Knights were Bold'. Another drama club rehearsing in a theater of slightly larger proportions appears in WDCS217, and yet another knights' play is to be shown for Halloween. Known member in both clubs: Daisy.

The Duckburg Wildflower Club (WDCS117) holds the annual picnic in the spring with the purpose of finding daisies. Known members: Daisy (and possibly Donald, the nephews, Gladstone).

The Skeptics Club (U$65 Micro-Ducks from Outer Space) must be one of the wealthiest in Duckburg; they offer a prize of one billion dollars to anyone who can produce a real flying saucer from another world! Known members: None known.

The Archeologists' Club (U$44 Crown of the Mayas) only accepts members who have made an archaeological find. Known members: None known, but Scrooge is a prospect, and Foulcrook and Slyviper have been admitted under false pretences.

The Junior Sub-Teen-Age Debbies Club seems to be THE place for swingers. In WDCS084 the great event is a costume ball including a waltz contest. Known member: Daisy.

The Royal Order of Horseshoe Kids (FC1095 The Bear Tamer) seems to be a club that accepts new members after they have performed specific tasks such as subduing a wild bear! The leader is titled King of Luck. Known member: Gladstone.

The Jewel Club of Duckburg (U$31 Two-Way Luck) is offering a cash prize and trophy to the owner of the largest emerald. Known members: None known.

The Duckburg Watchful Parents Club (WDCS228) is a large club dedicated to the children's safety. There is also one branch club in South America. Known member: Donald.

The Loyal Order of Marshbirds (WDCS232 Under the Polar Ice) holds lodge meetings and banquets. Known member: Donald.


Today the most important club of them all might be found HERE   Date 2004-04-30