Carl Barks drew panels of the life in Duckburg in almost all of his comic book stories. This resulted in several thousand panels of very different sights in an overwhelming abundance. Some of the sights were merely mentioned, some were just shown, but most were both named and drawn. Almost all of the examples on the following sub-pages come from the latter group.
It is next to impossible to present all the Duckburg sights Barks invented for his stories, so you should merely regard this page as a 'surface-scratcher'. The examples have been loosely divided into 20 main groups giving you the ability to take a tour through Duckburg. You will notice that there is no mentioning of the primary characters' houses (Donald Duck's home, Scrooge McDuck's buildings, Gyro Gearloose's workshop and so on) for the simple reason that they all changed appearance constantly!

If you feel inclined to browse a more thorough listing of the sights in Duckburg you should peek HERE, and if you wish to learn more about Duckburg's immediate surroundings you should look HERE.   Date 2006-02-14