We have read Carl Barks' stories numerous times and think we know them by heart. But do we really? Are you, from a given story, able to spot the one panel out of three that has actually been tampered with on this page? You are presented to 10 stories containing different sorts of tampering with the panels, but many of them hold clues that reveal the faulty ones. You should pay no attention to missing dialogue in the speech bubbles, or colours that may differ from the ones in your own comic books - just look for panels that are not presented in the way Barks drew them.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this page is to provide Barks experts with an amusing quiz. However, it is NOT the intention to ridicule or belittle his fine work. So, this page has only been published as a bit of amusement, and maybe you will discover, as you go along, that you are not the expert you thought...


Now, find the tampered panels (one in each story):


1. WDCS242 Balloonatics


2. U$06 'Tralla'La'


3. U$29 Island in the Sky


4. WDCS161 'The Fix-it Shop'


5. DD46 Secret of Hondorica


6. WDCS142 'Fool-proof Vacation'


7. U$09 The Lemming with the Locket


8. WDCS143 'Gems in the Desert'


9. FC0256 Luck of the North


10. WDCS225 'Volunteer Fireman'






So, how about the wrong ones? Where are they, and what is wrong with them?
Get the answers



http://www.cbarks.dk/THETAMPERQUIZ.htm   Date 2006-12-03