Although DD26 Trick or Treat was not a Barks brainchild he must have liked the story to some extent because, in his golden years, he made no fewer than three paintings depicting elements from the book.



DD26 - 1952

070 Halloween in Duckburg - 1973
21 years after he made the front cover for the Halloween story Barks produced a painting depicting the ducks and the witch in the same positions. In the painting Barks added ghosts and demons thus making it more ominous - a thing he was not allowed to on the front cover.


074 Trick or Treat - 1974
Just a year later Barks repeated the main motif with the same positions but featuring other types of scary beings.


03-74 Student Witch - 1974
The same year Barks made yet another painting with a character taken from his story. It was a Non-Disney painting featuring a rendering of his invention, the cyclops Smorgasbord.
   Date 2006-12-12