1. Barks received some help when painting 'Bombie the Zombie'. From whom?
His neighbour
His wife
His grandson

2. Who inspired Barks in 'FC0408 The Golden Helmet'??
Hal Foster
Fred Lasswell
Windsor McCay

3. Barks caricatured himself in 'WDCS188 'The Olympic Story''. Name?
Fulldrip Pulpbugle
Ramjet Rocketflash
Whirlman Dervish

4. Grandma Duck's car really existed. Under which name?
Plymouth Star
Ford Edsel
Detroit Electric

5. What made the painting 'Till Death Do Us Part' extra special?
Barks chose it to hang over the coffin at his funeral service
Garé was allowed to paint some of the background
It was finished by Garé after her husband's death

6. In how many stories have the ducks been to Alaska?

7. What was Garé Barks' given name at birth?
Margaret Hilo Douglas
Margaret Wynnfred Williams
Margaret Pearl Laurel

8. Why was 'U$64 Treasure of Marco Polo' censored?
It was said to be describing the Vietnam war
Barks showed people being killed
It had too many human characters

9. Garé and Carl owned a toy animal with a special story. Which one?
A red and green parrot
A yellow tiger
A black and white Teddy Bear

10. Barks was impressed by two European comics. Which ones?
Asterix and Lucky Luke
Lucky Luke and Tintin
Tintin and Asterix




http://www.cbarks.dk/thequiz3.htm   Date 2003-10-23