


Two of several letterheads Barks used through the years.


In this cartoon made for the San Diego Comic convention Barks argued that his country - though engaged in several conflicts all over the globe - could not be that bad, when they had comics with ducks!

The bubbles read:
Cambodia - Iran - Afghanistan - Nicaragua - Hellvania - Bitchopia - Kickassia - Craponia.

The text reads:
Visitor: What wrong wit those country? - Local sage: Plenty! Mainly, they don't have a San Diego Comic Con!




2 sketches from a series of 6 made on request by Adolf Kabatek, the former German editor of the publisher Ehapa.

The texts read:
Ich trinken zu Ihr! (I drink to You!) and Haben ein nett Tag! (Have a nice Day!).

Barks found the German words in a dictionary but missed the correct grammar.



Barks made this drawing for the San Diego Comic Book Convention.

The text reads:
Apemen, Wolfmen, Elves, Spidermen, Humanoids, Androids! All going to the San Diego Con! - By the long rod of Bel-Marduk! Even we Waterfowloids wouldn't look kinky in that crowd!



http://www.cbarks.dk/theuniquedrawings1980s.htm   Date 2004-03-17