All of the primary characters in Carl Barks' funny animal comic book stories have had their ups and downs through the years. When they failed, they always had a price to pay in the end whether it be loss of prestige, credibility, reputation, or money.
Barks only made 9 stories with the evil witch Magica de Spell, and they all ended up with her ambitious projects failing miserably, although she had been fairly successful until the end. This page gives a few chronological examples of some of Magica's most regrettable moments during these - for her - enjoyable events.




U$36 The Midas Touch

Magica succeeds in stealing the Number One Dime from Scrooge right in his office, and soon he and the Ducks are after her. She manages to tie them up and make people think they are fishes for the market, but they, in turn, manage to escape from the dastardly attempt on their lives.

WDCS258 Ten-cent Valentine

Again, Magica tries to pull an inside job in Scrooge's office when she acts as a secretary in order to get hold of the desirable dime. The chase - this time she is disguised as a jogger - is on for Donald who is knocked unconscious, but to her frustration he is not carrying the dime.

WDCS265 Raven Mad

The dime is displayed at a bazaar in an open glass case. A raven, which the nephews have played with, is kidnapped by Magica, who hypnotizes it to steal the coin from the exhibition, but the Ducks get hold of the bird, and a Magica-disguised Donald manages to de-hypnotize it.

U$38 The Unsafe Safe

Magica has invented a stun ray powered by batteries and she quickly tracks Scrooge down and stuns him into revealing the secret access code for his safe where his most precious belonging, the Number One Dime, sits. Unfortunately for her, she runs out of stun power during the 'persuasion' process....

U$40 Oddball Odyssey

Scrooge and the Ducks arrive at the Greek mythological enchantress Circe's island, where Magica in disguise tries to barter the dime for worthless junk. But the Ducks see right through her scam, and she only gets back in business when she happens to find Circe's ancient wand that can transform living beings into anything she likes.

U$43 For Old Dime's Sake

This time Magica really means business! Using Circe's powerful wand she tries to bring Scrooge to his knees again, but he is able to withstand her dastardly attacks, in which she bombards the Money Bin by calling upon the mighty forces of nature!

U$45 Isle of the Golden Geese

For once, Magica is not at all interested in Scrooge's special dime, but she spies on him nevertheless, and finds out that he is after golden eggs and golden feathers. Magica follows him along using several inventive potions to stop him in his boat. To no avail.

U$48 The Many Faces of Magica...

This time the dime is in so much peril, because of Magica's dastardly concoction, that Scrooge decides to hide on a faraway nameless island inside a complicated system of caves deep in a hidden valley, where only the faceless people live. It is only after using a world-ranging bird telegraph, she is able to track Scrooge down.

U$50 Rug Riders in the Sky

This is the second story, where Magica is not after Scrooge's dime. Now she has her eyes set on a flying carpet, which - according to some ancient scrolls - can lead the way to fabulous riches in Aladdin's cave! She quickly steals the carpet but is unable to control and steer it...


See also the natural counterpart page HERE.   Date 2011-01-27