


Barks was now beginning to add more information. As seen here on the payslip for FC0308 Dangerous Disguise (notice Western's faulty title entry The Q-Bomb Spy Case. That story has never been published!) in which he meticulously calculates his earnings for art and story. Also, he adds the amount of a bonus cheque, a gesture from Western that Barks enjoyed from time to time.



Beginning in May Barks received a fixed monthly advance of 500 dollars, and it was now up to him to make stories enough to meet (or surpass!) that amount. From now on the monthly yellow payslips simply stating 'Advance against artist and writer contract' were accompanied by statements on smaller white sheets of paper that monthly showed the individual stories and their payments ending up in a balance.



Western's new payment method proved to be a good idea - at least for themselves! But Barks was a workaholic so his due payments would oftentimes lag behind, of which this sheet is an example. If an adventure story was sent in such as FC0456 Back to the Klondike the payment would automatically be delayed until a later balance corrected the cashflow.










  Date 2016-01-17